Raising the next generation of servant leaders!


The mission of God Corps International is to recruit, train, deploy and equip servant leaders.  We recruit “the least of these” and empower them to be agents of positive change in communities of the “the least of these.”

"I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me.” ​ Matthew 25:40


Effecting change through the power of Christ's love!.

Deuteronomy 14:11 states, "For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, 'You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.'  As long as there are poor in the land, God Corps will open our hands to help our brothers, our community, our nation and our world. ​

         ​God Corps International is a LTLL Global Ministries program that touches many of the areas of our focus.  Inspired by the Civilian Conversation Corps (a Depression Era program) and Peace Corps, the God Corps Program, will recruit young adults, train them and deploy them to work in areas of humanitarian aid.  However, instead of seeking college graduates, God Corps will target eighteen to twenty-six year old young adults from impoverished areas and selectively recruit young adults coming out of substance abuse treatment programs, ex-offender programs, aging out of foster care, who are homeless or are nonviolent offenders in need of an alternative to standard sentencing options. They will be assessed, educated, discipled, and trained in servant leadership, community development and vocational skills. 

       God Corps recruits will participate in a ninety day boot-camp type induction program.  During the induction phase, recruits will complete general skills, psychological and education assessments.  During induction, recruits will rotate through the God Corps training areas to assess their competencies and desires for training.  Graduates of this phase will then enter into a twelve month training program.  During training, recruits will also receive guidance in developing personal character, counseling/life coaching, basic adult education, linguistic and cultural education, community development training and vocational training in preparation to go and serve.  Recruits will be trained in areas such as sustainable agriculture (with a focus on controlled environment agriculture), food security, conservation, emergency management, general construction (including welding, electrical, water and waste management), community health services and humanitarian project support (i.e. security and administration).  All recruits will receive Red Cross Certification in CPR and First Aid as well as training in disaster preparedness and relief.  God Corps will maintain disaster relief teams to be deployed in the event of an emergency.

       ​Upon completion of training, recruits will enter into advanced training (i.e. a practicum or second year of a degree program) or be assigned to a project or program based upon the recruit’s skill set.  Recruits will serve in one or more projects/programs for a term of one year.

       In addition to deploying recruits to work in projects and programs that are a part of LTLL Global Ministries, God Corps plans to partner with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, the Red Cross, and local community service projects/programs in placing the recruits into service.  Many of the recruits will serve in smaller organizations that need volunteers to continue the work that they are doing in their local area.