LTLL defines a program as an ongoing service (i.e. substance abuse recovery, feeding low income families, or workforce training).

LTLL supports programs from external ministries, as well as, ministries developed by LTLL Global Ministries. 


Converge Fellowship

Harvest Missions International

God Corps International

Adaptive Style



As LTLL develops partnerships and programs oversees, we will provide ongoing monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs under our umbrella or with partner organizations.  


LTLL Global Ministries has a vast network of church leaders, NPO/NGO leaders, health professionals, missionaries, political leaders, and business leaders who diligently work towards serving those in need.  Through partnerships created within this network, LTLL has organized feeding programs, acquired and distributed clothing, personal items and toys to mothers coming out of homelessness, created and hosted pastoral coalition meetings, produced clergy training events, acquired and shipped supplies to missionaries, housed traveling missionaries, created and hosted successful fundraising events, written project proposals, and assisted in the development of several outreach ministries.








LTLL is dedicated to excellence in the non-profit/faith-based sector.   There are many organizations that are doing good work, but they need assistance in the administrative aspects of creating and developing a healthy organization.  To meet this need, LTLL provides Non-profit Incubation to new and established organizations.

LTLL assists organizations in:

  • Business plan development
  • Preparation of documents to file to establish the organization
  • Board of Director recruiting process
  • Drafting of the By-Laws
  • The preparation of the IRS form 1023 for 501c3 status
  • Marketing
  • Fundraising

As with the projects and programs, LTLL will provide support from conception until the organization is strong enough to stand independently

Effecting change through the power of Christ's love!.

LTLL defines projects as ventures that have a point of completion (i.e. building an orphanage, digging wells, or equipping schools with computers).

In addition to LTLL Global Ministries' projects, LTLL works with ministries outside of the organization to create, develop, and/or provide oversight to projects that fit the mission and vision of LTLL Global Ministries. 

LTLL will also consider projects that support the work of other service organizations (i.e. infrastructure needs so that service organizations can be more effective in their work).  After evaluating proposed project summaries, LTLL Global Ministries assists selected projects with project development, proposal writing, and obtaining funding.  With all projects, LTLL provides ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the project until the termination of the project..

LTLL’s fundraising team has vast experience in fundraising through small and large-scale events, building donor support, and grant writing.  Events have included: 



A Horse Exposition

Prayer Breakfast

Sporting Events

Fashion Show

Galas/Formal Dinners

In addition to raising funds for LTLL and its subsidiaries, LTLL has assisted partner organizations with fundraising activities, obtaining donations of goods and services and grant writing.